A lot in our lives are digitalized and coaches use it as an opportunity to do so as well. Opportunities created by going digital is that a client is able to decide by themselves when and if they are ready to accept coaching and clients have permanent access to their coach. Digital coaching can include a human or a human coach can use a digital tool to support the coaching process.

Other benefits of a digital coach include: 

  • Real-time coaching is made easier and more accessible
  • Benefit and ease of collecting data, analyzing it, and using the data as a knowledge to understand the behavior or for motivational purposes 
  • Real-time communication, tracking, and receiving data fast create new possibilities for improvement. The Habinator app combines both face-to-face interactions as well as tracking important data through the app
  • Some people are more open to digital coaching
  • The client is more intrigued to conform to socially accepted norms
  • Can be cheaper