Tipi Koivisto
Sport and self-improvement enthusiast, IT-professional and an entrepreneur, who wanted to bind all these somehow. After studying sports medicine for fun and coaching people there was an idea about a tool that people could get what they actually want. Tipi knows that people change every day but the direction is usually unclear for people.

Prof. Habinator
Brilliant helper. Tough, but a fair friend to everyone.
When you install the app we will get to know each other! I will give you comfort when you need it and feedback if you want to.
See you soon! ?

You! Join Us
We are constantly looking for bright people who want to build the best product and company ever existed.
If you are passionate about health and a team player, contact us at tipi@habinator.com or at +49 151 708 466 18.
Salary, stock options, and work location are all negotiable. The smaller the ego, the bigger the salary.
We are currently desperately looking for sales and marketing lead.

Björn Kappel
Having a Diploma in Sport Sciences and an M. Sc. in Psychology Björn understands what it takes to achieve goals. Years of knowledge coaching professional athletes and students, he is deep into the field of personal progress and self enhancement. Working with individuals or teams as a Mental Coach he focuses on goal setting, self- and emotion regulation. Playing professional sport as a young adult he made the experience on his own what it takes to work hard for personal success.

Antti Tuppurainen
Partner and a technical architect at Industry62 which co-develop the digital recipe solution. Years of expertise in IT-business with technical background Antti knows how to build user-friendly products and web solutions.

Ralf Hendel
30+ experience in entrepreneurship. Ralf is currently a CEO at Bright Solutions and a Co-Founder of Flushhub. He loves to play table tennis and piano which makes him reach the limits of his potential every day.

Eero-Matti Gummerus
Known for lecturing and writing books about alcohol use and therapy. Certified psychotherapist and a long-time employee at the Finnish biggest health care provider HUS. Where he co-developed and innovated the "Internet therapy programs". He has been providing expertise in the areas of addictions, therapies, and exercises related to these areas.