Healthy Habits App

Build healthy habits

Quickstart Guide

  1. Install Health Coach App on your mobile phone.
  2. Choose a Goal template.
  3. Personalize the Goal to your situation and needs.
  4. Start performing Tasks and tracking your goals!

If you have no experience in lifestyle change and goal achievement, we recommend reading further.

Health Coach app in Apple Store for iOS


Health Coach app in Google Play for Android to build healthy habits

What can I achieve using Habinator?

You can use the Habinator App also to reach short-term goals, but here we describe the long-term use for a lifestyle change. So what we are doing here is changing your life! It's not a small and non-problematic thing. We, and especially you, need to take it seriously. Keep this in mind: It's all about habit formation and building healthy habits.

Making a change* in life is regularly doing something that you haven't previously done. This may sound pretty straightforward and easy, but it's harder than you think. There is enough knowledge about how we as human beings work and behave, that we can make a change happen. There are people who "just make it happen" using their will, focus, and commitment. Other people do it without even realizing it because it happens spontaneously after some life-changing event (like born of a child or changing a job) or some other environmental change (like moving or an accident). They say that if you have good enough reason - or enough reasons - you can do anything.

If you are like most of the Habinator users, you are about to begin the change consciously and to use the App as a helping tool. Even though the App has a strong base of scientific evidence behind it, you need to find out what works best for you. Learning about yourself, unfortunately, is a trial and error process, which is always a part of growth progress.

Read more about a lifestyle change from our blog.


* Scientists and psychologists talk about behavioral change.


Health Coach in Apple Store for iOS


Health Coach in Google Play for Android

How to create a goal?

First, you need to think carefully about: What do you want?

When you have that goal in mind, you start by defining the goal one by clicking "CREATE NEW GOAL". Then

  1. More than 300+ goal templates are classified by different domains and it's subdomains or topics. Search a goal that is closest to your goal. If you did not find anything suitable, create your own goal by clicking the "CREATE YOUR OWN".
  2. When you click the goal, the App creates an editable template.
  3. Now you can change the goal's name to suit your specific needs.
  4. The "What is Your Plan?" page is about defining your plan and what you are going to do. It describes the tasks you are going to do.
  5. The next page is about motivation. There are predefined reasons and rewards which are sometimes referenced in our research section. If there is a number like [15], it means it's a reference to a reliable research article. You can add your arguments and benefits here as well. Why is achieving this goal essential to you? You should learn and know what motivates you. Remove the ones that don't fit.
  6. The next step is to set the duration of your goal, and which days of the week you want to execute your plan. Maybe it isn't realistic to execute your plan on Sundays, so adjust your days accordingly and excluded days that will interfere with tracking and reminders. The settings are different depending on the type of goal (short-term goal, habit, lifestyle change, or a challenge).
  7. Setting the notifications also depend on the goal character. You can set extra notifications to execute your tasks several times a day an exact moment that enforces a habit creation. On the other hand, when quitting a bad habit, you don't want to remind yourself about it at all.
  8. You are now ready to execute your game plan! To give yourself a kickstart to your commitment, you should consider sharing your goal publicly, which has been proven to support the success rate.  

If you didn't get all the details right the first time, you can always click the goal and adjust your plan. Adjusting, or changing your plan, is what we call optimization, which is one of the most critical parts of the change process. To make a specific, realistic, and long-term strategy, it takes many attempts to perfect your plan.


There are several ways Habinator can motivate you. Still, the App can only do so much. Therefore we recommend getting a support person like a partner, friend, coach, or health professional to work with you. The feedback from a person who understands you is beyond what technology can provide - or at least another way to motivate you more.

The App motivates you for example by

  1. Setting your goal the right way.
  2. Reminding you about your goal(s).
  3. Tracking your progress.
  4. Giving you tips. E.g. How you could prepare yourself for the next day.
  5. Teaches you by giving feedback.
  6. Providing a daily fact, quote, or a question for you to ponder.
  7. Allows you to be a part of our community.
  8. Offering you exercises on how you can raise your commitment and motivation.

The intrinsic motivation, commitment, and desire to follow through on your plan will still come from you. We also work continuously to improve the App and remember: Habinator, as well as yourself, only get better over time.

Community and Support

Social support (family, friends, colleagues, professionals, etc.) is crucial for our well-being. When performing a challenging task that makes you go out of your comfort zone (like a lifestyle change, sports contest, quitting a bad habit, project at work, etc.) social support is the most crucial thing for success.

Our goal is to build a community of users that consists of 

  • People who are using the Health Coach app.
  • People who have experienced lifestyle change or self-improvement, and can pass the knowledge on.
  • Professionals like health coaches, doctors, psychologists, etc. can help people to succeed to reach their health goals.
  • All others who can benefit themselves or others in any way.

Welcome! ??

The science is clear about the importance of social support when it comes to health. Our goal is to build a worldwide community where health coaches can interact with app users using the coaching platform and offer their expertise, or when needed, you can book a health coach.

Health Coach in Apple Store for iOS


Health Coach in Google Play for Android

Life long learning

Lifestyle change is not only about reaching your goals and dreams. It's about becoming the person that you want to be. The promise we give you will learn more about yourself than ever before when committing to a lifestyle change. You will learn for example

  • Why do you do the stuff you do?
  • What makes you thrive?
  • Why do you sometimes fail?
  • What affects your behavior?
  • Are you honest with yourself?
  • What really motivates you?

There are traits successful people have, which they learned through a trial and error process. These traits are not secrets nowadays. Making yourself do the things that make you successful is hard work - or even art. Habinator's whole purpose is to help you to do the right things to reach your potential and self-actualization. The traits you want for yourself, you need to find and learn first.

Some bits of advice

There are a thousand tips and bits of advice we could list, but they will reveal themselves in the App and you will realize them after a while. Just keep in mind that

  • If you don't succeed the first time, it's totally fine. Every single one of us fails once in a while (usually at first), but successful people try again. Being graceful to yourself is an important skill, but it does not mean you shouldn't work as hard as possible to try to succeed! Just optimize or start over - it's effortless to do, and you have lost nothing!
  • There is some research about making a lifestyle change or creating a habit. Our experience suggests that a long-lasting lifestyle change or getting healthy usually takes more than three (3) months. Realistically it takes about 6-24 months. Again, you are not like any other, so depending on your specific situation, intensity, commitment, and followed the plan, you can succeed faster. The point is this, making a behavioral change is a long-term game, not a sprint, so be patient - you will make it eventually.
  • We can't emphasize the fact that you need to know what you want. So take some time to think about your values, standards, beliefs, and priorities. These will guide you and make you do the things that you feel are important to your life. We even suggest reviewing how you relate to these things regularly.
  • Learning is the key to improve and grow. You can where we share our newest findings and other exciting developments on topics like health, self-improvement, and performance.

Strategies to set goals

There are different strategies on how to set goals in Habinator. The most important thing is to find the approach which works for you and to your goal! Read more about the different strategies.


Performing a lifestyle change is challenging, but people do it every day! You will see the rewards in the long term, which are always more than you imagined.

We are excited to have you join the group of achievers!