Trabalhar de Forma Mais Eficiente
Work efficiently at work, so that you don't have to bring it home.
Working more efficiently at work allows you to get through more projects and be more productive at work. It makes you look better in front of your bosses, and prevents you from bringing your work home. Bringing work into the home environment will cause stress and other difficulties in the home. Keeping work at the workplace helps keep your home a peaceful environment and keep your life happy.
Working more efficiently at work allows you to get through more projects and be more productive at work. It makes you look better in front of your bosses, and prevents you from bringing your work home. Bringing work into the home environment will cause stress and other difficulties in the home. Keeping work at the workplace helps keep your home a peaceful environment and keep your life happy.
A preguiça não se adequa aos meu valores
Saio-me melhor no trabalho quando dedico meus esforços e minha concentração
Faço meu trabalho e depois algo prazeroso
Quero ser um exemplo e inspiração para as outras pessoas
Mini Goals
Analisar meu próprio trabalho
Priorizar objetivos
O menor passo possível
Planejar meu dia
Elimine interrupções
Termine isso!
Estabeleça metas com prazos
Revisar meus Desafios
Meça o progresso
Atualize suas razões
Benefits / Reward
Desenvolvo um sistema para ser uma pessoa produtiva
Aumento meu foco e produtividade
Impressiono a chefia e os colegas
Aumento minha eficiência geral no trabalho