- The power of habit (2013). Charles Duhigg
- 59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute (2010, second edition). Richard Wiseman.
- The trusted advisor (2002). David Maister, Charles Green, Robert Galford
- Aki Hintsa - Voittamisen anatomia (2015). Eng. The Core – Better Life, Better Performance Oskari Saari, Aki Hintsa
- Why Zebras don't get ulcers, 3. edit. (2004). Robert L. Sapolski
- The end of Stress as we know it (2002). Bruce McEwen with Elizabeth Norton Lasley
- The Art of Happiness, 10th ed. (2009). Dalai Lama, Howard C. Cutler
- Full engagement! Inspire, Motivate, and Bring Out the Best in your People (2011). Brian Tracy
- Unlimited Power (2001). Anthony Robbins
- Terve uni 3. edit. (2007). Markku Partinen, Maarit Huovinen
- The Circadian Prescription (2000). Sidney MacDonald Baker with Karen Baar
- Talent is Overrated (2010). Geoff Colvin
- Coach dich selbst sonst coacht dich keiner (2002). Talane Miedaner
- The magic of thinking big (2016). David Schwartz
- Healthy gut, healthy you: The Personalized Plan to Transform Your Health from the Inside Out (2018). Michael Ruscio.
- The microbiome solution (2015) Robynne Chutkan
- The 7 habits of highly effective people (2004). Stephen R. Covey
- Sisäinen sankari (1996). Jari Sarasvuo
- Valonöörit: Sisäisen motivaation käsikirja 4 edit. (2015). Frank Martela
- Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfill your potential (2017). Carol S. Dweck
- Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (2009). Daniel H. Pink
- Change your life in 7 days (2004). Paul McKenna
- 12 rules for life (2018). Jordan B. Peterson
- Awaken the giant within (1991). Anthony Robbins
- Awareness (1990). Anthony DeMello, Francis Stroud
- Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care (2011) Sylvia Escott-Stump
- How successful people think. Change your thinking, change your life. John C Maxwell
- Mikä meitä liikuttaa - Motivaatiopsykologian perusteet 3. edit. (2017). Katariina Salmela-Aro, Jari-Erik Nurvi
- Addiction by design (2012). Natasha Dow Schull
- Learned Optimism (1990). Martin E. P. Seligman
- Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To (2019). David Sinclair, Matthew D. LaPlante
- Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (2018). James Clear
- Behave - The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst (2017). Robert Sapolski
- Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change 2. edit (2014). Michael Arloski
- Why we sleep: Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams (2017). Walker, M. P.
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